It’s often said, “you can take a man out of the South, but not the South out of the man.” Here are 7 qualities of a Southern man.

Qualities of a Southern man include having good manners.
Southern Man Manners
In the South, young men learn manners at an early age. “Yes ma’am” and “no ma’am” are staples in southern linguistics. Young gentlemen master the art of opening a ladies’ door and standing when she enters the room or arrives at the table. We never walk ahead of ladies and are always on the outer side of the sidewalk. Southern men have a command of the utensils used at a formal dinner and how to converse with various people, even those from north of the Mason-Dixon line.
RELATED: 25 Etiquette Rules Every Southern Man Should Know

Qualities of a Southern man include a polished wardrobe and a sense of style.
Sense of style & fashion
Southern fashion for men is not about wearing a seersucker suit every day (although most own multiple items in this lightweight fabric), but knowing how to dress for each occasion. Even when traveling outside the South, I can usually spot a Southerner by examining the details of their wardrobe. Knowing how to dress a blue blazer up or down is a dead giveaway.
Knowledge of their family tree
The South is known for the importance of family connections. Southern gentlemen have an excellent command of their family tree and can often connect yours if given enough time. Countless business connections form through conversations. It certainly doesn’t hurt if the person you’re trying to conduct business with has a second cousin married to your twice-removed third cousin. After all, maybe everyone in the South is related.
Pair of well-fitting and comfortable jeans
Yes, we wear khaki pants several times a week and have at least one pair of great-fitting jeans. And speaking of that blue blazer, we can walk out of the dove field, grab a button-down shirt and blazer and make a splash at our neighbor’s cocktail party.
RELATED: 8 Things Raymond Reddington’s Wardrobe Can Teach Us About Style
Kevin’s Fine Outdoor Gear & Guns
It may be one or one hundred, but Southern men love our guns. Respecting and caring for weapons comes at an early age. In addition, we’re often the most ardent supporters of the second amendment. Southern belles feel comfortable around their men, but thieves beware; those Belles are most likely carrying one of their own.
A love of sports and the outdoors
I will admit that I stopped hunting years ago but still love the smell and sounds of the woods when I hunted deer. Nonetheless, I love the taste of dove and the smell of venison stew while attending an SEC tailgate. And speaking of sports, most Southern gentlemen love football at some level and find a few hours each week to participate in a sporting event or watch one on television.

Lodge Cast Iron Skillet (the
Every Southern Man Knows Food
Ah, southern food. There’s nothing like it, and Southern men not only appreciate great southern dishes, they know where the best places to eat are. It may be a five-star restaurant or a bar-b-que dive on the outskirts of town. And to top it off, we know how to prepare at least one great dish, most likely a recipe from mama.