Except for a few rebellious years during high school and college, I’ve maintained a smooth, clean-shaven look when it comes to facial hair. However, to protest the dark, dreary days of winter, I decided to grow a beard. Here are some tips on growing a beard for us “clean shaven” guys.

Maintaining a short beard is important
Clean and Healthy Skin Are Important
First and foremost, all men, regardless of whether you have facial hair or shave daily, need to keep your skin clean and moisturized. Using a good exfoliator and skin cleanser in the shower each morning and before bedtime will help keep skin issues such as dry, chafing skin, or ingrown hairs to a minimum.
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Depending on your skin type, there are lots of great men’s skin care products on the market, many of which are reasonably priced and every bit as good as expensive products sold by high-dollar department stores.
Jack Black Daily Facial Cleanser (GetJackBlack.com)
Jack Black Pure Clean Daily Facial Cleanser is one of the best available and can easily be found online or at many men’s clothing stores. They also have scrubs, body wash, and beard conditioner products. Another less expensive option is Neutrogena. They have a men’s line which is available at Walgreens, Target, Walmart, and similar stores.
Shaving In The Shower Is Best
Whether you are keeping a clean-shaven look or needing to shave around your beard line, make sure your facial hair is warm and moist before allowing a blade to touch your skin.
I began shaving in the shower in my mid-twenties when someone gave me a fogless shower mirror from Sharper Image. It was easy to install, and I used it for years until I misplaced during a move. Thinking I would find a quick replacement, I continued shaving in the shower and found I achieved the same close shave without having to see my every stroke. Now I rarely miss any spots and when I do it only takes a quick second at the full mirror to make one or two final swipes.
However, when shaving around my beard line, I choose to shave over the bathroom sink so I can trim a straight line along the bottom of the hairline. I estimate it takes me somewhere in the neighborhood of 15 to 20 seconds to trim everything up every day. Every face is different so how do you find your proper beard line? Beard experts say the easy way is to measure two fingers from the top of your Adam’s apple. Below is a picture I borrowed from Beardoholic that provides an excellent visual.
How to Find Your Beard Neck Line (Beardoholic)
RELATED: The Perfect Male Shave: Going Against the Grain
Tips for Growing a Beard
Some men enjoy full, thick beards, but that’s not a look I desire. What facial hair I grew in my late teen and early twenties consisted of a mustache, that later transitioned into what I considered a modified “fu manchu,” by allowing my facial hair to grow down to my chin line. Others refer to it as a “horseshoe” mustache, as I got the idea from Mr. Terry Graham, a high school coach of mine, who I thought wore the look well.
Since my facial hair isn’t very thick, I go with the advanced “stubble look” that I achieve with about four days growth. Regardless of your preferred length, keeping your beard trimmed and maintaining a well-groomed look is vital. Many women like some facial hair, but I can assure you they want it groomed and soft. Some women find guys with beards more attractive.
A Quality Beard Trimmer Is a Must-Have
Remember, a beard is also hair, which means keeping clean and trimmed is essential. The hair that makes up your beard is thicker than the hair on your head, and facial skin is also more sensitive than the skin on our heads.
Experts suggest using conditioner after washing your beard because it helps replenish the oils stripped away by washing. If your beard is thick, then purchase a beard brush to keep the hair straight and also making sure you distribute the conditioner efficiently.

Philips Norelco & Wahl hair trimming products (OneSouthernMan)
With a short beard, my trimming needs are simple. I use a Philips Norelco trimmer and a Wahl trimmer that I purchased at Walgreens. For longer beards, you’ll want to check out some additional models to meet your beard and wallet’s needs.
Post Shave & Trimming Treatment
With a short beard, I use the same moisturizing lotions as when I completely shave. To protect your facial skin from the sun’s damaging UV rays, dermatologists recommend applying a layer of sunscreen first before adding moisturizer. During the spring and summer months I always use sunscreen, but admittedly I’m not as consistent in winter. Still, it makes sense to use sunscreen year around.
The probability of me keeping my beard over a month or so are slim. But as long as I feel up to staging my protest against ole man winter, then I want my short beard to enhance my cold-weather style. If these tips for growing a beard were helpful then please share this post and follow OneSouthernMan on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter.