College football and tailgating in the Southeastern Conference are back for the 2021 season. At least, we hope so. And everyone I know is thrilled about the return of SEC college football tailgating. Even more exciting is the upcoming Tailgating SEC Style podcast and listen to the introductory trailer.
RELATED: Tailgate SEC Style, Season 1 Episode 1, Arkansas Razorbacks
This past spring, the SEC announced that stadiums at all their conference schools could resume full-capacity seating. This also means fans can tailgate on or near on-campus and off-campus stadiums. For a complete listing of all SEC games, download the 2021 SEC Football Helmet Schedule.

Ole Miss tailgate food (
Tailgating SEC Style Is Back
Suffice it to say, 2020 was a year of misery and boredom for most SEC football fans. Sure, we watched our favorite SEC schools battle each other since all non-conference games were canceled. Although watching our favorite team play alongside 80,000 to 100,000 fans is the feature presentation each Saturday, one cannot discount the importance of the pre and post-game tailgate. After all, SEC tailgates are the absolute best!
Tailgating Magazine just released their top 25 college football tailgates for the 2021 season. It’s no surprise that 9 of the SEC’s 14 schools made the list. And, I could lobby for at least two others, Mississippi State and Arkansas should be listed too. Here’s the Tailgate Magazine list.
1) Ole Miss 2) LSU 4) Alabama 5) Georgia 6) Texas A&M 13) Auburn 14) Florida 15) Tennessee 23) South Carolina
RELATED: Best College Football Tailgate: The Grove at Ole Miss
The SEC economy definitely took a hit last season. Economists can attempt to estimate the amount of lost revenue for SEC universities and the towns and cities they reside. However, I believe it’s impossible to gauge the lost revenue in each SEC town accurately. It’s easy to calculate ticket sales, but what about the bartenders, waitstaff, and even the ticket scalpers? For decades, SEC fans make weekend pilgrimages to their favorite SEC campuses to relive their college days for 24-48 hours. And regardless of our age, every damn one of us loves it.
While they aren’t the SEC’s top football team, Ole Miss wins the tailgate competition, hands down. The Grove on the Ole Miss campus is the perfect setting for tailgating. Given the Rebel fans’ location, history, and dedication, you can’t beat a fall Saturday in Oxford, Mississippi. Other SEC schools such as Georgia, Mississippi State, Auburn, and Tennessee also excel at tailgating, each in their own way. And before I hear from any LSU fans, I’m looking forward to exploring all the wonderful food and hospitality in Baton Rouge this year.
From 2017-2019, I visited most of the SEC campuses and chronicled my experiences on this website. What started as a whim in late August 2017 grew more in-depth each year as I made new friends from Athens to Auburn. I’m optimistic that the 2021 season will allow SEC fans to reel in the fellowship and rivalries we all love. I’m even hesitant to use the “C” word for fear the alphabet company’s algorithm will tag this post. However, there’s not a better group than politicians to screw up a great time. Nevertheless, I’m optimistic that they won’t impose any misguided and ineffective bans on outdoor group activities on SEC college football fans this season.
The bottom line is, if you don’t feel comfortable and safe attending an SEC football game or tailgate, then don’t come. If you do, then have at it.
Unfortunately, the SEC is Growing When It Should Be Shrinking
It’s obvious from the title above that I’m not a fan of Texas and Oklahoma joining the SEC. I wasn’t excited when Texas A&M and Missouri joined either. Why? Because neither of the four universities is in a southern state. Don’t get me wrong. I’m a huge fan of the state of Texas. Although I grew up a Tennessee fan (FYI, the REAL ‘UT”), I received my undergraduate degree from Texas Tech University and have a healthy respect for Texas, A&M, and Oklahoma.
GA Bulldog fans Ashley & Marc Brady, Doris & Jeff Santarone, Kristy & Cal Johnson, Emily & Jason Burrell, Laura & Ken Burgess, and Kerry & Chad Enniss tailgate on the Univ. of GA campus (OneSouthernMan)
Hell, as long as I can visit at will, I think Texas should be its own country. But no one can make the case that Missouri or Oklahoma are “southern states. I would respectively describe them as “midwestern” and “western.”
RELATED: The Vol Navy: Sailgating SEC Style at Tennessee
Knowledgeable SEC fans understand that the decision to invite Texas and Oklahoma into the SEC was made long before the issue was bannered about in the press. My son is entering his fourth and senior year at Arkansas. As I’ve told him his entire life, practically every decision made revolves around money or power, and it’s usually both. The invitation to invite Texas and Oklahoma into the SEC is no exception.
Texas screwed up the former Southwest Conference by pimping themselves out for money while keeping the pot of gold away from their other conference rivals. I hope they don’t try and screw up the SEC, but I’m not too worried. Big Nick and Alabama will protect the old guard.
Tailgating SEC Style Podcast
This season, we’ll incorporate something new into our tailgating coverage with the upcoming, Tailgating SEC Style podcast. Each week we’ll bring you tailgating tips and insight, along with interviews with SEC journalists and media experts. The first episode will be up soon and will be available on Apple, Spotify, Libsyn, or wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts.
Dig those car flags and all your other SEC paraphernalia out soon and get ready for what I hope is an outstanding year of SEC football. We’ll look forward to tailgating with you this fall.
Note: To invite OneSouthernMan to your SEC tailgate, drop us a line at Also, follow us on Instagram, Facebook & Twitter.