Let’s face it; most guys dread Valentine’s Day. It’s not that we don’t want to make the day memorable or bestow gifts on that special girl. However, knowing what gifts to whoo her with can be overwhelming. Here is a 2022 Valentine’s Day plan every girl will love.
Most guys follow the same routine on Valentine’s Day. A dozen roses, a box of chocolates in a red, heart-shaped box, followed by dinner at her favorite restaurant. It’s not that she won’t be pleased with this tried and true formula, but now is a great time to show her your creative side. After all, we’ve had lots of time to practice since those caveman days of dragging a club!
Valentine’s Day Plans 2021
Some of my friends who own restaurants won’t be happy with my recommendation, but I can’t think of two worst nights to enjoy a night out at a great restaurant than New Year’s Eve or Valentine’s Day.

Valentines Day is a wonderful time to rekindle romantic relationships.
In most cases, your choices are a sub-par, overpriced, preplanned menu, and the wait staff is continually rushing you so they can have two additional seatings. And Ordering flowers for Valentine’s Day delivery is never a good idea.
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This year (2020), Valentine’s Day is on a Friday, February 14, and the 7-day plan allows you to cover the basics and add some special touches. While I can’t guarantee the amount of pleasure that may wait on Valentine’s night, I do know she’ll be thrilled with the additional thought and effort you put into everything. Let’s get started:
Monday, February 7
Many men feel the need to purchase lingerie or sexy sleepwear for their wife or girlfriend, but I’ve always felt picking it out yourself was a bad idea unless you are entirely sure of what she will like.

Valentine’s Day lingerie for her
Instead, run by a lingerie boutique or purchase a gift card. Enclose a handwritten note, in your handwriting, and not computer-generated. Suggest to your sweetheart that she enjoy a shopping experience and you will be happy to accompany her or suggest she take a girlfriend. Giving her a gift ahead of time allows ample time for her to find something she likes for the big night, and believe me, she’ll want to make it unique.
Tuesday, February 8
Spend the day doing something she enjoys. It may be shopping or visiting the antique market she mentioned last week. If she’s into sports, find a good sporting event. Basketball and Hockey are hitting their stride this time of year, and even if there’s not a pro team nearby, many college and high school teams are exciting to watch. Spurge for great seats or even a box if you have a connection.
Wednesday, February 9
Make dinner reservations at a fantastic restaurant. It doesn’t mean it has to be the most expensive place in town, but rather the best restaurant that serves the food she loves. Yes, I realize Monday is a workday, and that’s why a 6 p.m. reservation is perfect. You have plenty of time for dinner, and you’ll be able to be back early enough for a nightcap and most likely some “special time.” Not a bad way to start the week for either of you!
Tip: Some of the better restaurants close on Sunday and if that’s the case or you can’t make Sunday dinner work, then flip Friday and Sunday. I’ve already explained why Saturday dinner isn’t a great idea.
Thursday, February 10

A handwritten note is special.
Deliver a handwritten note to her office or place it on her car windshield. Tell her how great she is and how much she means to you. Depending on your relationship status, be creative and romantic. Don’t let her see you if you run it by her home or office. Simply give it to the receptionist and ask that they deliver it to her. I can almost guarantee you she’ll text, call or email to thank you and ask why you didn’t wait around. Just say you were busy but wanted her to know you were thinking of her.
Don’t even think about sending a text. It’s not the same. I’ll say it one more time; write the card by hand. Trust me on this one.
Guy’s, it’s like shooting fish in a barrel. It will be a fun week if you follow the plan! Oh, and go ahead and purchase another gift or card to give her on Valentine’s evening. It doesn’t have to be expensive, but original. Plus, you’ve got plenty of time for Amazon Prime to deliver.
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Do something special for her before Valentines Day
Remember, today will be the second most popular evening for dinner dates, so I recommend you avoid this night too.
Friday, February 11
Today is the best time to have flowers delivered. Think about it; florists are flush with extra inventory, and the last of those deliveries most likely occur today. If possible, arrange delivery for mid to later afternoon.
You’ll still pay inflated Valentine’s Day prices, so why not get the freshest flowers possible. That way, she’ll enjoy them all week.
Tip: Find out what her favorite flowers are. Roses aren’t always her top choice, and if it’s another, chances are they’ll look ready great. Oh, and if she works have them delivered to her office. Women love to show off their flowers, plus, she’ll be the first to get them.
Sunday, February 12
Watch her favorite movie. Find out what she’s been dying to see and purchase tickets ahead of time so you won’t have to stand in a long, cold line with the teenagers.
I’m not a fan of dinner and then a movie because you have to rush through your meal to make the show. many times Instead, grab a late dinner, dessert, or nightcap after the movie.
Monday, February 13
Have a bottle of wine, champagne, or her favorite beverage delivered to her home or office. It will be the second consecutive day she’ll receive a gift. Plus, if her girlfriends or coworkers will be envious. If alcohol is not an option, send her a gift certificate to a spa or better yet, arrange a visit for her. What you’re saving on the over-priced, Valentine’s evening meal will pay for these little extras.
Valentines Day, Monday, February 14
Stay in and prepare dinner for her. It doesn’t get any better than this, and she’s going to be impressed.
Build a fire and make sure the kitchen and entertainment area are clean. Be creative and decorate the space with flowers you purchased at the florist or supermarket on your way home.
If you can’t boil water, much less cook, don’t freak out. Plan ahead and purchase pre-made dishes at Whole Foods, Trader Joe, Publix, Kroger, Piggy Wiggly, or even your favorite restaurant. Pick them up today or the day before, so they’re fresh. Don’t have anything delivered today either. Like the florist, this is a big day for restaurant delivery services too, and you don’t want your order to be late or cold so avoiding this option is smart. However, make sure she watches you preparing the meal. Show some effort here guys; that is what she wants to see.
For those of you who can cook, preplan your menu by purchasing the ingredients several days in advance. It may be a good idea to complete your prep work on Tuesday night or even cook some dishes, so everything runs smoother on the big night. Have some red, scented candles on hand and use the good china and silver. Tip: It’s usually in those drawers below the china cabinet you’ve never opened. And please, use cloth napkins. Remember, it’s the details she’ll remember.
Tip: Have cocktails made when she comes over or comes into the kitchen. Open the wine early so it has time to breathe and pour a glass or make a cocktail before dinner to relax. You can’t go wrong with chocolate-covered strawberries either.
As for the schedule post-dinner, well, I think you can handle it from here. Oh, and remember that gift you purchased on the 7th? Tonight is when you get to see for the first time, and hopefully not for long.
Happy Valentines Day!
P.S. If you just started dating or if Valentine’s Day will be a first date (a bad idea, but I still want to help you out) and you think the 7-day plan is a bit much, follow this schedule instead.
1) Send her a handwritten note a few days prior telling her how much you’re looking for to seeing her.
2) Send over a small gift a day or two before. Nothing big, maybe something she can use in the bathroom but don’t be too forward.
3) I still maintain cooking at home is a better idea but if eating out is your only option, go early and pick a “unique” restaurant as opposed to a popular one. It will be much less crowded, and you’ll get better service.