Eats & Drinks2017-03-20T10:57:06-05:00

Craft Breweries, Bars Bring a Boost to Huntsville

Over the past few years, I’ve become a huge fan of craft beers, especially those made and brewed in the South. At the recommendation of another Southern lifestyle writer, I spent an afternoon tasting several outstanding beers produced by a new breed of entrepreneurs in Huntsville, Alabama, also known as [...]

Know the Difference Between Bourbon and Whiskey

Southerners often use the terms "whiskey" and "bourbon" interchangeably. Admittedly, I've broken this cardinal rule of spirits. Don't worry, you won't face any civil or criminal charges. It is helpful to know the difference between bourbon and whiskey the next time the subject arises at your next dinner party, tailgate, [...]

2018 Charleston Wine + Food Festival Showcases the South’s Best

It's difficult to choose my favorite southern city but when food is the focus, it's hard to beat Charleston, South Carolina. Throw in city's historic significance, architecture, gorgeous waterfront, and Charleston is a must-visit destination. This weekend is the 2018 Charleston Wine + Food Festival that showcases the South's best [...]

OneSouthernMan’s Chili Recipe

Few things taste better than a flavorful, hot bowl of chili on a cold or rainy day. Southerners don't handle cold weather, ice or snow particularly well and I've about had enough of this Seattle/London weather for a while. In preparation for the sunny spring days ahead, and to lift [...]

Nashville TN: Where to Eat In Every SEC Town

Nashville, TN has become a culinary hotbed as a result of the city’s explosive growth over the past several years. We’re writing a series on where to eat in every SEC town and below are a few restaurants you’re sure to enjoy when visiting Nashville. Vanderbilt University Area If you [...]

Tailgating SEC Style: Ole Miss

There’s tailgating, and there’s tailgating “SEC style.” Throughout the 2017 football season, OneSouthernMan is showcasing the tailgating scene at every SEC campus where pre-game festivities can be as big, if not more significant than the game. The first stop was Oxford, Mississippi; the home of the Ole Miss Rebels, for [...]

Summer Drinks: 6 Cocktails Perfect for Hot August Evenings

The third quarter of summer is upon us and the night-time southern temperatures are still warm. Here are 6 refreshing, seasonal toddies to enjoy on the front porch with friends. Thanks to for the list. BOURBON SLUSH PUNCH Sitting on the porch will be vastly improved with this punch [...]

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