Eats & Drinks2017-03-20T10:57:06-05:00

The Outpost Restaurant at Pickwick Lake & Dam

If you live within a 100-mile radius of Pickwick Lake, then you probably know The Outpost restaurant and general store is one of the area's best restaurants. And if you’re planning a trip to southwest Tennessee soon, then plan on visiting The Outpost for a delicious meal or an overnight [...]

I’m From Savannah, Tennessee; Not Georgia

Whenever someone asks where I was born or grew up, I inevitably say, “I’m from Savannah.” Without fail, they respond by complimenting our neighbor to the southeast. “Oh Georgia! What a wonderful city.” My response: “No, Savannah, Tennessee. It’s a small town 100 miles east of Memphis, near Shiloh National [...]

Big Bob Gibson Bar-B-Q In Decatur, AL Is Worth the Drive

Decatur, Alabama seemed like my second home during most of my formative years and no visit was complete without a stop at Big Bob Gipson Bar-B-Q on 6th Avenue. There is little doubt I did not fully appreciate great barbecue as a child since I ate it so often. Yet [...]

148 North In Collierville Is Proof Dreams Can Come True

Only hours after Chef Brian Thurmond of 148 North in Collierville, Tennessee wakes up each morning does he realize he’s not having a dream, rather he’s living one - owing a fine dining restaurant built on a foundation for the love of food, family and cooking. “The little mistakes I’ve [...]

Best 30A Restaurants to Enjoy In 2017

CLICK ON THIS LINK FOR OUR 2020 UPDATED LIST: Best 30A Restaurants to Enjoy In 2021 Spring is sprung and chances are you’re preparing to take the family, or maybe just yourself, down to the Florida panhandle to recharge this year. Finding great food is a must so here are the [...]

Oxford, MS: Best Restaurants at SEC Schools

When you're heading to Oxford, MS, for an Ole Miss game, you may want to check out these great restaurants. If you wait until the last minute to make reservations, you could go hungry, but all of these places are worth a visit. Below are the best restaurants in Oxford [...]

10 Must-Visit Wine Regions

Great grapes produce excellent wines. Here is a peek into 10 of the world's must-visit wine regions. Sampling great wines from around the world may make you feel like you’ve taken a journey, but it’s no substitute for the real thing. Sometimes you need to pack your bags, get on [...]

Southern Bites: Pimiento Cheese Hush Puppies

Any respectable southern man loves food, especially pimiento cheese hush puppies. Throw in some southern craft beer and I may overstay my welcome. I was reading an article on Southern Living online about southern bloggers to follow and had run across Stacey Little's, Southern Bite, page. There are several good [...]

French Press Coffee, the Southern Way

I love my morning coffee, and I've tried lots of methods, but using a French Press is the best and most efficient way to make a great cup of coffee. Below is the simple process. The familiar French press coffee pot may not have the same coffee nerd cred as pour-over [...]

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