Southerners are a special breed of people, and it’s not uncommon to find ordinary people perform extraordinary tasks. There are many reasons why Tennessee is called the Volunteer State. In difficult times, Tennesseans have a reputation for rising to the challenge of assisting others. The first half of 2020 has provided ample opportunities to lend a helping hand.

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Rarely a day goes by without news of a celebrity or famous person performing a vital function. These include donating money, hosting an online concert for a charity, or pitching in to help those impacted by Nashville’s tornado or the global coronavirus pandemic. We certainly appreciate their extraordinary assistance!

Helping others is what makes Southerners unique

How Southerner’s Help Others

What about the people who help neighbors or even total strangers? There are countless stories, and we wish we knew them all. Here are a few examples of some extraordinary endeavors:

  • A group of friends in Williamson County stepped up to help a struggling singer/songwriter with necessities. They provided food, clothes, and blankets when the camper he was living in collapsed. With their generosity, he was able to bring his wife and children here from California. (Several individuals in and around Leiper’s Fork, TN and led by Dawn Ann Ritter of Moo Country, Cynthia van der Nat-Criscuolo, Jennie Denton & Debbie Pratt, helped Ray Remington with his EP Release Party earlier this year and with personal needs)


  • When a Williamson County resident was diagnosed with the coronavirus, a male friend came over and stayed several days to care for her. Because she had underlying health conditions, he was worried the illness would be tough on her body. Fortunately, she recovered completely, and he has tested negative many times since caring for her. (I’m not going to divulge this person’s name given some people act so silly toward those infected with the Chinese Coronavirus, but lots of use know this incredible story)


  • A Nashville resident recently donated a kidney to a total stranger. The recipient’s wife donated one of her kidneys to a woman in Florida so that her husband could receive a kidney from the stranger. Talk about paying forward!

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  • In February, a bicyclist was riding with a group of friends in rural Williamson County when he suddenly collapsed from a heart attack. Fortunately, a retired heart surgeon and registered nurse were within shouting distance and were able to perform CPR, including mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, saving the man’s life. A week later, after receiving a stent in his heart, he was back cycling. (I’ll be writing about this story later, but here’s a hint: the doctor is a former U.S. Senator from Tennessee and it happened in front of Puckett’s in Leiper’s Fork this past winter)


  • When both parents lost their jobs in early April, providing for their four children became difficult. Since they were also caring for an elderly relative, they went further into debt each month, even with two paychecks. Upon learning of their situation, a group of neighbors pitched in to provide evening meals and made sure their children were able to receive lunches provided by the local school system. (Southern Hospitality at its finest)


  • An employee in a Williamson County insurance office came to the rescue. They assisted an elderly customer pay her bill over the phone when she learned the lady had recently lost her husband and was losing her eyesight, making it impossible to drive herself to the grocery store or pharmacy. After contacting another customer who lived nearby, the agency was able to find her a weekly ride to medical appointments and to shop for basic necessities.

We realize these few examples, from the simple to the heroic, only scratch the surface of neighbor helping neighbor. They are also extraordinary in every way. To those we don’t know about, thank you! You are making a difference in someone’s life.

This article was originally published in Brentwood Lifestyle Magazine. If you know of examples of kindness or assistance by others, please email us at We may include them in future stories.