Anthea Turner is an entrepreneur and true renaissance lady. The owner of the European-inspired boutique Anthea Le Jardin at The Hub on 30A near Watersound, Florida, Anthea’s elegance is reflected in her personal style and creativity.

Anthea Turner is the owner of Anthea Le Jardin in The Hub on Florida’s 30A highway. (Anthea Le Jardin/2021)

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Before opening in February 2020, she spent 20 years in the jewelry industry, including three years working on cruise ships. Her unique boutique features one-of-a-kind jewelry, gift items, art, and clothing rarely found along 30A.

Interior shot of Anthea Le Jardin in The Hub at Watersound, FL (Anthea Le Jardin/2021)

Born and raised in Indiana, Anthea’s mother Judy quickly recognized her talent for selling style. So, mom suggested she would make an ideal salesperson on cruise lines. It turns out that Judy’s intuition was spot-on. Anthea’s style is the perfect combination of southern style and international sophistication.

After spending several years in Atlanta, GA, Anthea, and her family relocated to New York City.

When her mom got sick a few years ago, Anthea realized the need to bring her style to 30A. Walking into her small boutique at The Hub is like time-traveling stepping into a 1920s Paris shop. Three-century old jewelry sits alongside new merchandise, all of which is looked upon by Anthea’s own paintings.

Anthea’s creativity, combined with her love and knowledge of exquisite merchandise, is a deadly combination. With the area’s explosive growth over the last few years, most tourists bring their discriminating taste with them. Luckily, Anthea’s boutique offers the unique and hard-to-find items these customers demand. Fortunately, there’s no one better than Anthea at selling upscale merchandise and jewelry.

Not only does Anthea manage a thriving retail enterprise, but she also finds time to teach at nearby Ohana Institute, a private academy near Rosemary Beach, Florida, that serves exceptional students from kindergarten to the 12th grade.

Listen to this Southern Americana episode as Anthea, and I chat about her exciting life adventures, all while paying tribute to her mom Judy and her dad over some excellent single barrel bourbon.