Best Cigar Lounges In the South
Enjoying a fine cigar remains a pleasure that I truly love. Over the past two decades, many states implemented laws prohibiting smoking in restaurants and bars. With tightening smoking restrictions, finding a suitable spot to smoke a quality cigar can be challenging. Here are the best cigar lounges in the South. In the early 1990s, I lived in Memphis, TN. One of the few, and in my opinion, the best spot to buy and smoke cigars, was Tobacco Corner, at the corner of Mendenhall and Poplar Avenue. They closed several years ago. Like most new cigar smokers, I began with small gauge, mild smokes. I recall the price-point of my Macanudo being around $3.50. RELATED: How to Properly Smoke and Enjoy a Fine Cigar A year prior, Marvin Shanken debuted his new magazine, Cigar Aficionado. Even industry insiders didn’t believe the magazine would last long. When Shanken issued the Spring 1994 with famed talk-show host Rush Limbaugh on the cover, magazine sales exploded. So did the price of most cigars. I recall that my Macanudo hit five dollars, but didn’t stay there long. Before I knew it, the price hovered around eight dollars. Ahh, the good ole days. It’s difficult to find a decent cigar for under $10 today. But who’s complaining? For me, the challenge is finding [...]